Factory Acceptance Test - S7-400 Redundant PLC

June 5-7th, 2024

From June 5-7, 2024, our Bandung workshop hosted the Factory Acceptance Test for the Siemens S7-400 Redundant PLC Panel project. Our engineering team, alongside our client’s team, collaborated to ensure the highest standards were met. We inspected the main materials, part numbers, and quantities against the material list. We conducted comprehensive visual checks, power-up tests, and IO tests on the PLC panel. Additionally, we verified design consistency and performed functional tests on the HMI by the control philosophy. Finally, we conducted a sequence test to ensure the logic sequence adhered to the control philosophy.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to deliver excellence through our team's dedication and successful partnership with our client.


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Journey of Innovation and Leadership: Insights from Mulyadi, Bandung Division Manager

July, 2024

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