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Alucrom AB

Blästring & avancerad ytbehandling

CombiConsult i Stockholm AB

CombiConsult Syd i Stockholm AB

Corespring Invest AB

Corespring New Technology AB

Electro-Spesialisten AS

Elektrisk Produktion AS

Granitor Electro AB

Ett av Skandinaviens största elteknikföretag

Granitor Properties AB

Granitor Systems AB

Automationslösningar, produktionsstyrning, kraftförsörjning

Automationslösningar, produktionsstyrning, kraftförsörjning

+46 10 470 75 00

Granroc Real Estate AB

Metalock Engineering France SAS

Metalock Engineering Germany GmbH

Metalock Engineering Saudi Arabia Ltd

Metalock Maco Engineering India PVT Ltd

Nordic Mechanical Solutions AB

Ørnulf Wiig Installasjon AS

PowerTech Engineering AS

PowerTech Solutions AS

Rodoverken Group AB